Money Back Guarantee

4Students LLC wants you to be satisfied with your custom written book review or essay. We don’t accept payments, unless we find an appropriate writer based on customer requirements. If you have prepaid for your academic paper, you can request a refund according to our money-back guarantee.

We want to make sure you receive high-quality custom writing serice.  If you are unsatisfied with the professional writing service you receive, we will do everything possible to correct the situation, including refunding your payment. Refund requests are not common, so our Money Back Guarantee is simple. We will process refund requests within 3 business days of receipt.

Cancelled Orders

Orders may be cancelled without fees within the first hour after your order is paid or when a writer is assigned to your work. Writers are usually assigned to a custom writing project within the first hour of an order being placed. After this time, refunds will be calculated based on the amount of time elapsed. We issue refunds for up to 70% of payment if more than half of the time to your deadline remains. We issue refunds for up to 50% of your payment up until the deadline. This fee structure is set to ensure compensation is given to the writer for work that may have been completed on your project.

Once a custom paper has been completed by our online writing service, refund requests may only be made for quality matters.

Double Payment

Rarely, a double charge can occur through our online payment system. If you receive a duplicate notification about payment for a single item, please send us a copy of the receipt. We will cancel the duplicate payment for your custom written paper and make sure you receive a refund immediately.

Identical Orders

If you believe you submitted and paid for an identical order from our essay service, please contact us immediately. We will work to correct the situation and stop the order before it gets assigned to a writer. You are responsible for contacting us and cancelling the duplicate order. If the duplicate paper is assigned to a writer, you will be subject to the Cancellation Policy and may not be eligible for a full refund.

No Available Writers

As a reputable paper writing service, 4Students LLC only accepts payment if a writer is found to complete your request for a research paper, report, book review or other services. If we are unable to match you with a writer, we will notify you prior to your payment being processed.

If you are a returning client to our custom writing service and we are unable to provide you with a writer, we will fully refund your fee with our sincere apology.

Missed Deadlines

A custom essay writing service needs to provide services on time. If your custom writing order was not completed according to set deadline due to fault on our side, 4Students LLC will issue a partial refund for your order. Partial refunds will equal the pricing difference between the deadline you paid for and the date the order was actually delivered.

Please note that if a missed deadline means you will no longer require our professional writing service, you will be able to request a complete refund from your personal order screen.

Missed Deadlines Due to Revision

Separate deadlines are required when requesting revisions. No refunds will be offered for original deadlines missed due to a revision.

To avoid problems, please make sure you set your original deadline for your custom paper 3-5 days before you require the paper. An early original deadline will allow ample time for revisions.


Free revisions can always be requested if the final draft from our term paper service does not meet your standards. You also have the option of requesting a new writer to replace the original writer. If neither of these solutions meets your satisfaction, you can request a refund from your personal account page.

Before the Approval Stage

Prior to an order being Approved, you may receive a 100% refund for our writing service at the discretion of our Dispute Department. Please provide evidence and an explanation for why you are requesting a refund. You may be contacted by our Dispute Department to provide more details on why you believe a refund should be given. Once you have been contacted, you will have 7 days to provide detailed commentary to the department about your request. Disputes are automatically closed after the 7 day period. Any Disputes unresolved in this time are ineligible for a refund.

After the Approval Stage

Please note that all orders are automatically Approved after 10 days. Once the Approval process has been completed you may only receive a partial refund of your payment.

Once an order has been Approved you have 10 days to request a refund for our paper writing service. You are eligible to receive up to a 40% refund of your original payment at the sole discretion of the Dispute Department. The refund button is blocked after this 10 day window has passed, and no refunds will be issued.

Once a Refund Request has been submitted, you will be asked to provide evidence and an explanation for why you are requesting a refund for our custom paper writing. You may be contacted by our Dispute Department to provide more details on why you believe a refund should be given. Once you have been contacted, you will have 7 days to provide detailed commentary to the department about your request. Disputes are automatically closed after the 7 day period. Any Disputes unresolved in this time are ineligible for a refund.

A full refund will not be provided after the order Approval, except in the case of a Plagiarism Dispute. A Plagiarism-report testifying to the existence of Plagiarism in the paper provided by our essay service will be required as proof for such a Dispute.

Please be aware that 4Students LLC retains the rights to any essay that has been fully refunded by our essay writing company. We may publish the paper in order to protect the property of our writers.


Your help on this topic was great. Provided paper was a richly constructed, progressively explaining the various processes, easy to understand and relate as well. It was of enormous help with the rest of the module. I greatly appreciate.

Why us?

High Quality Papers

High Quality

Professional writers for custom papers

Professional writers

24/7 Chat Support

Individual Approach

No blind Cost for papers

No "Blind"cost

Premium discounts for custom papers

Premium discounts

Flexible Deadlines for custom essay

Flexible Deadlines

We guarantee

Secure payments for custom essays

 Safe Checkouts

Plagiarism Free for written papers

 Plagiarism Free

Money back for custom papers

100% Refunds

Secured Identity for customers

 Total Confidentiality


High School 10$/page
Rookie/Sophomore 13$/page
Undergraduate 16$/page
Master's 19$/page
Ph. D. 25$/page

Visit Full Pricing Page

Free Stuff

Free Reference Page for customers

 Free Reference Page

Free Formatting for custom essays

 Free Formatting

Free Revisions for custom papers

 Free Revisions

Payments Secured By

Our Custom Writing Service accepts paypal, skrill, visa, mastercard, american express and discover


For your information

Using service provided by 4Students LLC is completely LEGAL. Our services are not forbidden by any institution, university or college administration.

Papers and assignments provided by 4Students LLC may be used for academic purposes, a further understanding of the course, a starting point for your research, direct citing or paraphrasing. If you have any concerns, please revise your university rules on the definition of paraphrase and plagiarism.

The services provided are meant to assist the buyer by providing a guideline. The delivered product is intended to be used for research or study purposes only.


Reasons to choose

If you are looking for the custom writing service online, you have bunch of options to choose from. Below are the main reasons why you should consider 4students to get your academic work done..

Better writers

Because of our careful employment procedure and commitment to only writers with the degree, 4students having superior writers than any other service.

American company

4students LLC is an American company, with office in Denver, CO. We don't outsource any work to the vendors.

Customer support

Call us, message during business hours, or live chat us from your mobile phone - we are here for you at any time.

Private and secure

Your business with us is secured and private. We don't share your information with 3rd parties and we don’t share our customer’s orders to search engines.

Editorial review

All projects are reviewed by an editor team before you receive it, guaranteeing an advanced level of writing quality. You may request free unlimited revisions if you are unhappy.